About Us
Bringing Affordable Music Lessons and Services To The Valley
The following lists the policies by which we offer private lessons in our studio from 2018 onwards. Please read them carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
Our Responsibilities
To give you or your child the most comprehensive music education available. Students will be exposed to a whole range of music, technology, styles and creative endeavors. All lessons are created to suit the individual goals, desires and loves of each student.
We encourage our students to be curious and creative. We show students how music is constructed and how they can make up their own. We help students learn music that they want to learn. We develop their reading, technique and coach their performance.
Students will learn a large amount of repertoire and enjoy a holistic education that suits their level and goals for the future.
Student/Parent Responsibilities
Students are responsible for arriving at lessons on-time, with correct books and having completed their practice. Students should practice to achieve goals, not to fill time and it is expected that all instructions are followed week-to-week.
Late arrival times will not be made up as we often have other students or commitments immediately around lesson times.
Students need to practice on a decent instrument. If playing an acoustic piano, please ensure it’s less than 50 years old and is regularly tuned. If using a digital piano, please ensure it has fully weighted action keys. Let us know if you need help choosing an instrument.
Studio Calendar
Lessons are offered in hour and half hour increments. Parents are more than welcome to stay for the lesson. We encourage it!
Lessons prices start at only $15
Payment should be made before the lesson starts.
You may pay the month in advance if you want to but are not required.
We accept Cash, Credit and Check.
We prefer cash as we have several teachers and it is easier for us to pay them out at the end of the night.
If you pay with Credit/Debit you will be charged a 3% fee.
Missed Lessons
Stuff happens, We get it! Just be courteous to us please, this is how we make a living ☺. Please give us a 24HR notice. You will be charged for the full price of the lesson without a 24HR notice. A notice may include text message, calls and voicemail. If you are a no call/no show 2 weeks in a row, you will not be given a refund and you will be taken off of the schedule. Missed lessons due to forgetfulness are non-refundable. If a teacher is sick or otherwise unable to attend a lesson, they will make it up.
Terminating Lessons
If you wish to finish lessons, please provide notice by calling. Students will continue to receive the lessons they’ve paid for until the end of the monthly cycle when the termination will take effect. Refunds will not be issued.
Contacting Us
Parents and adult students are welcome to call us during daytime hours to discuss any matters associated with their education. You may also email anytime.
Media Release
From time to time we use photos and short videos of our students on sites like YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. If you do not want your child’s image(s) to be used, please let us know by email or in person. In general, students love to see their pictures and videos on our websites or teaching page. They find it motivating and exciting to think that others want to know what they are learning. Students are identified only by first name.